thinking about scheduling school viewing options

As you’ll start to see, schools don’t take each other into consideration when setting up tours, open houses, and zoom calls. When things get going there will often be several options on a single day. 

Some advice: 

If possible perhaps hold off on too much touring before the SHSAT if your child is taking it. A lot of time could be spent in prep for the test and specialized open houses usually take place in the two weeks or so before the test itself. Side note - last year Stuyvesant hosted their open house after the SHSAT so fingers crossed this year works out with better timing.

Keep track of places you want to go on a calendar so you’re not booking more than one thing on the same day (I did that with both my kids). 

Note down all pertinent info. Take screen shots, jot things down. Some schools ask you to register and you’ll get replies back. Others have you register and you never hear from them again. Still others you just show up. 

Zooms can get wonky, even after all this time we’ve had perfecting zoom meetings. Some schools only host zoom open houses and those can fill up and people can’t get in. It’s a part of the process at the moment so if there’s something you want to see and you can sign up for, SIGN UP! 

Talk to your kids about the process. Ask what they think the places they’re visiting. Engage them when you can. Some kids are super into the process and others are ambivalent at best. That’s all pretty normal for this experience.