TOURING: Academy of American Studies, Art and Design, Bard Manhattan, Harbor School

Here we go! All this info will be posted on the HS411 website - touring spreadsheet, important dates, and calendar - by tomorrow. 

Academy of American Studies is hosting a slew of in person tours in October. For more info:  Click here to register:

Tours are on Tuesdays/Thursdays at 9:15am and Fridays at 1pm starting

They’re also hosting 2 in person open houses:

Thursdays, 11/7 and 11/14 from 6-7:30pm

Art and Design is hosting 3 in person open houses. Click here to register:

10/1 from 5-8pm, 10/24 from 5-8pm, 11/16 from 5-8pm

Bard Manhattan is hosting 2 in person open houses with 3 start times. Click here to register:

Mon, 9/23 at 4:30, 5:30 and 6:30 

Tues, 10/15 at 4:30, 5:30 and 6:30pm

They’re also hosting zoom info sessions. Click here to register:

Thurs, 10/10 from 5-6pm

Thurs, 11/7 from 5-6pm 

Harbor School is hosting in person open houses. Click here to register:

Tues, 10/8 at 3:30pm

Wed, 10/23 at 3:30pm

Tues, 11/12 at 3:30pm