ONE on ONE consults

The high school admissions process is different for every family— it can often be different for different kids in the same family. There can be lots to think and talk about and as the process changes every year, it’s good to know exactly where things stand.

Consults are $280 an hour. You can book anywhere from fifteen minutes to 2 hours (or more, but that’s a lot of info to take in at one meeting). Meetings are virtual and can be over Zoom, FaceTime, or over the phone. Students can absolutely be included or it can just be adults—whatever works best for your family.

I meet/talk with families one on one to discuss:

  • how the process works

  • how to get organized

  • how to find out information

  • how to look at schools, what to ask

  • how to put a list together

  • how to rank schools

  • whether specialized schools are a viable option

  • up to the minute changes to the public schools admissions system, and more

To book a consult, click on the button below.

If you don’t find a time/date that works for you, send me a message and we’ll figure out it.

Or, to find out more please fill out the form below:

To pay for a consult click here and thank you!