TOURING: Aviation HS, Brooklyn Arts, Edward R. Murrow, Humanities Prep, Millennium, Brooklyn Latin (sort of)

Whew, Millennium zooms are already booked. If this is a schools you want to check out I’d suggest checking their website regularly to increase your chances—there are tons of families out there ready to pounce on spots. Note: they announced additional dates later in the season last year. They didn’t do any in person touring.

Aviation High School is hosting in person open houses. Click here to register:

Sat, 10/26 from 9-10am

Sat, 11/16 from 9-10am

Brooklyn Artsis hosting an in person open house. Click here for more info:

Wed, 10/30 at 6pm

They also host tours on Tuesday mornings at 9:15am. Email with two potential dates to book a tour.

Edward R. Murrowis hosting zoom and in person info sessions. Click here for more info and to register:

Wed, 10/30 zoom info session for screened programs at 6pm

Wed, 11/6 in person open house at 6pm

Humanities Prepis hosting in person open houses. Click here for their calendar:

Thur, 10/17 from 6-7:30pm

Wed, 10/23 from 4:30-6pm

Millennium is hosting 3 virtual open houses. Click here to register:

Wed, 9/25 at 4pm

Wed, 10/2 at 4pm

Wed, 10/9 at 4pm


Brooklyn Latin has a form where you can sign up for a virtual open house but no date is posted. That’s a bit messy: