The DOE announced that 6 schools will give priority for 75% of their seats to Manhattan students:,on%20the%20basis%20of%20grades.
The schools are:
Eleanor Roosevelt (DIA 50%)
Millennium (DIA 0%)
Clinton (DIA 33%)
Lab (DIA 75%)
Museum (DIA 50%)
Baruch (DIA 66%)
In the past (pre-Covid) Eleanor Roosevelt, Lab, Museum, and Baruch had District 2 priority. Millennium gave priority to students below Houston Street and Clinton was open to all NYC students but gave/gives priority to continuing middle schoolers.
Keep in mind all these schools are screened and that group/tier admissions method is in place. NOTE: we will not know group/tier cut offs until the fall.
Most these schools also have DIA (diversity in admissions) set asides—percentages noted above—I am assuming those will not change but you never know.