additional materials asks (in one place)

This is a lot but I thought it helpful to see it all in one place. 

Below you’ll find more specific info about additional material asks, when possible, along with rubrics and where to submit for the schools I track. Some schools offer in person interviews and/or online components that you need show up or log on to access. 

Note: school links on the DOE’s page about additional materials aren’t all working. 

For a list of ALL schools asking for additional materials:

Consortium schools including Beacon, East Side Community, School of the Future, ICE, and University Heights Secondary ask for an essay:

Prompt, from the DOE website: To apply to any or all of the programs above, answer one of the two prompts below in 500 words or fewer:

    1. How do you think a school with this approach to learning will help you grow academically, personally, and creatively? What do you think you have to offer a school community like this?

    2. We admire students who are flexible in their approach to learning and willing to take intellectual risks that move them out of their comfort zone. Reflect on a time when you were intellectually challenged, inspired, or took an intellectual risk––inside or outside the classroom. How has that experience shaped you?


20% Average course grades/80% essay

submit through MySchools

East Side Community

100% essay

submit through MySchools

School of the Future

100% essay

submit through MySchools

Baccalaureate School for Global Education

60% Average course grades/40% video

submit through MySchools

Click here for video instructions and rubric:

From the school’s website: 

24.25 Admissions Video Prompt

We would like to learn about you. Please make a 3 minute video where you cover two topics:

1. Fill a bag with 3 objects that help explain, describe, or show aspects of who you are and what makes

you unique. As you take them out, share the significance and meaning of each one. Be creative! Be


2. Teach us something! Show us how to build, create, or do something that you know and/or like to do.

Keep it fun! It can be simple, we want to see what you care about.

You decide how you want to allot the 3 minutes.

Before you submit, make sure you:

● introduced yourself

● explained what you’re doing and why it’s important to you (details matter)

● checked that the entire video is not longer than 3 minutes

● included both parts of the video prompt

● spoke with a loud and clear voice

● filmed in a quiet area

● watched your video before you submit


10% Average course grades/30% Humanities response/30% Math portion/30% Interview

in person testing and possible interview

From Bard websites: 

There are three parts to the assessment: a writing prompt, a math part, and an interview. Not all students will be interviewed, only those that do well on our assessment. We will notify students on their interview status within 4 weeks. All students will be notified if they’ve made it to the interview stage or not. 

Note: testing and interviews will take place in person. 

Register here for the assessment:

Brooklyn College Academy

50% Average course grades/50% school based assessment

submit at school website

information isn’t posted on the school website yet

Frank McCourt

20% Average course grades/80% interview/online form

submit at school website

Click here for the admissions essay link and rubric

From their website: 

Which of the following Frank McCourt High School elements are you excited to learn more about when you are a student here? Please select three

You will explain your choices in the next question.

Please select 3 of the following elements: 
Competency Learning - Using Outcomes (specific skills that can help you learn better)
Competency Learning - Having chances to revise your work to better show off your skills
Advisory - One teacher and set of students you will stay with for 4 years
PGC - Peer Group Connection - meeting weekly with mentors from the older grades
Integrated Curriculum - Taking classes that blend 2 or more subjects
Intersession - One intensive class for 5-6 weeks in 11th and 12th grade
Block Schedule - Longer class periods so there is time for group problem solving
Collaboration - Working in groups and teams for projects and processes to help each other learn
Diversity - Working with students and staff from many different places in NYC and the world

Question: Please explain why you are excited about the three FMHS elements that you selected. Please respond with at least 250 words.

Gramercy Arts

65% Average course grades/35% interview

submit at school website

information isn’t posted on the school website yet

Manhattan/Hunter Science

70% Average course grades/30% essay

submit at school website

Click here for their application and essay prompt:

Note: You have to fill out their online application before you get to their essay prompt


50% grades/50% online admissions activity

submit at school website

Click here for their instructions and essay prompt:

From their website: 

Prewriting - At NEST+m we are guided by our ethos- intellectualism, inclusivity, collaboration, and exploration, and by our commitment to equity-driven accelerated learning. Reflecting our values, we believe that our community is better and stronger when we build it together. 

Our writing task asks you to explore what excites you about joining the NEST+m community- what do you hope to experience here and what do you hope to contribute, as we build and evolve our community together? Before you write your response, please spend some time getting to know NEST+m by exploring the resources below:

EXPLORE our Guiding Principles

VISIT our school website: 

ATTEND a virtual tour or view a recording

October 16, 2024 6 pm

ATTEND a self-guided Open House 

Sunday, October 20th

Saturday, November 16th

Saturday December 7th

HEAR what our students have to say about NEST+m in an Upper Grades Student Voices

BROWSE the slides from our Virtual Tour: Upper Grades Slides 

CHECK OUT this video about clubs and sports: Intro to Clubs & Sports at NEST+m (Club Directory, Athletics Website)

Prompt: What excites you about the possibility of joining the NEST+m community?

After reflecting the prewriting tasks, exploring the materials above, and reviewing the rubric, respond to the prompt in 450-700 words with specific examples; be sure to answer the following questions in your response:

What connections do you see between your own values, interests, and passions and the ethos, mission, vision, instructional, and extracurricular programs at NEST+m? How do you see yourself contributing to the NEST+m community?

NYC iSchool

100% online admissions activity

submit at school website

Link to info and online admissions activity:

Note: their submissions due date is 12/9 at 4pm, rubric is at the bottom of the info page.

Townsend Harris

60% grades/20% essay/20% video

submit through MySchools

Click here for essay prompt and video info

From their website: 


Preface: All students at Townsend Harris High School swear “The Ephebic Oath.” The below assessment asks you to explore and analyze different aspects of it. Below is the full text of the Oath:


I shall never bring disgrace to my city, nor shall I ever desert my comrades in the ranks; but I, both alone and with my many comrades, shall fight for the ideals and sacred things of the city. I shall willingly pay heed to whoever renders judgment with wisdom and shall obey both the laws already established and whatever laws the people in their wisdom shall establish. I, alone and with my comrades, shall resist anyone who destroys the laws or disobeys them. I shall not leave my city any less but rather greater than I found it.

Part 1: Video

Please submit a 2 minute (maximum time) video that includes ALL of the following:

1. An introduction to you

2. An answer to the questions below:

We believe that every student has a special and unique artistic, intellectual and personal talent, interest, ability and/or gift that can enrich our school community. Our Ephebic Oath states that we promise to “leave our city greater than we found it.” Identify two talents, interests, abilities or gifts you possess that would enrich our school community and how you would “leave it greater than you found it.”

Part 2: Humanities Writing

Please respond to the below prompt. Your response should be between 250-500 words (approximately 1200-2500 characters).

The Prompt:

The most famous line from the Ephebic Oath is “I shall not leave my city any less but rather greater than I found it.”  In keeping with this oath, Townsend Harris students are required to serve a minimum of 40 hours of community service each year. 

George Bernard Shaw in his play Man and Superman writes, “This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy” He also stated, “I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the community, and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live. Life is no 'brief candle' to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for a moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to the future generations.”

Considering George Bernard Shaw’s statements on the nature of serving the community, should Townsend Harris students swear an oath to their community and be required to “volunteer”? 

Develop and support a perspective on the above question. Use the two resources below to help you develop your response.

The Resources: 

Resource 1: “Should You Have to Do Community Service?” by Kathy Wilmore

Resource 2: “How volunteering can benefit mental health” Part 1 & Part 2 by NBC News